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Improvement Program

The Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) is a federally required, short-range plan that provides information regarding the schedule of multimodal transportation projects that are federally funded or deemed regionally significant in the MACOG region. Projects listed are developed in cooperation with the Indiana Department of Transportation (INDOT), regional transit providers, member jurisdictions, and the public.

Development of a TIP is a federal requirement as defined by the current highway bill, Fixing America’s Surface Transportation Act (FAST Act). The TIP is required to be cooperatively develop every two years, compatible with the Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP).

MACOG works with local jurisdictions, INDOT, and the public to identify projects that will be included in the program. The program must be fiscally constrained, meaning only the amount of funding that can be reasonably anticipated is programmed, and relates to the Michiana on the Move: 2040 Transportation Plan.

Adopted SFY 2018-2021 TIP

The SFY 2018-2021 TIP was adopted by the MACOG Policy Board on May 13, 2015 and approved by Federal Highway (FHWA) on July 1, 2015.

TIP Document
TIP Appendix
TIP Approval

Updated SFY 2016-2019 TIP

The approved TIP can be amended or modified to add or delete projects and adjust for changes in scope, cost, or timeframe. Amendments are required to go through Policy Board approval and subject for public review, while minor changes can be made by Administrative Modifications.
Following is the current TIP, which has been updated to include any changes that have been made since the TIP was approved. Additionally, a list of each change can be found in the following table.

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Annual Listing of Obligated Projects

The annual listing of obligated projects is consistent with the project listing in the TIP. This includes project name and identification numbers, project location, project description, as well as the amount of funds programmed in the TIP. Funds obligated are a measure of the progress being made on a project. As such, the Annual Listing of Obligated Projects report is prepared at the end of the state fiscal year to tell what actually happened with TIP federal project funding during the fiscal year.

Projects for which funds have been obligated are not necessarily initiated or completed in the program year, and the amount of the obligation will not necessarily equal the total cost of the project. It is possible that obligated funds exceed the amount estimated in the TIP. It is also possible that unused funds may be credited back when not needed at the completion of a project phase resulting in a negative obligation.

SFY 2016 List of Obligated Projects

Quick View Project Summary Detail

SFY 2015 List of Obligated Projects

Quick View Project Summary Detail