Next Steps

Step 1» Adopt the Plan

The Active Transportation Plan was approved in July 2016 by the MACOG Policy Board. The 2040 Transportation Plan is the primary document guiding future capital investments and transportation decisions, which now includes this Active Transportation Plan. When projects are being considered for federal funding, the priorities identified in this plan will impact the decision to provide funding to particular projects.


Step 2» Adopt a Complete Streets Policy

A “Complete Street" is a street that is designed and maintained to accommodate all street users: pedestrians, bicyclists, transit users, and motorists. The Michiana Area Council of Governments should draft a Complete Street Policy for projects utilizing federal funds to consider all street users.


Step 3» Establish an Active Transportation Committee

The Michiana Active Transportation Committee (MATC) would be responsible for overseeing the implementation of the Active Transportation Plan. The MATC would meet periodically to discuss implementation progress, discuss related issues, and share resources and tools throughout the region.


Step 4» Establish Baseline Counts and Measurements

Baseline measurements of key data like bicycling and walking activities, crash rates, miles of facilities, program participation numbers, and travel mode share provide a point of comparison to determine the impact infrastructure projects and supporting programs.


Step 5» Create an Active Transportation Design Guideline

A common guideline would be developed to use when designing active transportation infrastructure. Using this guide across the region, will help to make sure infrastructure is safe and consistent for all users. This guide should address the differences between the urban, small town, and rural character in the region.


Step 6» Create an Active Transportation Educational Program

A program aimed at educating community members on safe and courteous walking, bicycling, and driving habits for children and adults would help keep everyone safe when traveling.


Step 7» Develop a Regional Bikeways Signage and Wayfinding Plan

The MATC can work with local partners to develop a system for identify signed routes using best practice guides across the country. Communities can implement the signs for existing or future signed routes, making the network more connected and accessible.


Step 8» Seek Funding for High Priority Projects

Funding for transportation projects can be very competitive and the project development time is significant. With this in consideration, it is important for the MATC to identify potential traditional and innovative funding sources for high priority projects.


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© Copyright 2016 by the Michiana Area Council of Governments