Active Transportation

Crossway Trails

Crossway Trails is an evolving system of bicycle and pedestrian facilities throughout St. Joseph, Elkhart, Marshall, and Kosciusko Counties in Indiana and extending into Michigan. Check out the Crossway Trails website for more information trail events and updates, and check out the Crossway Trails Map to find an open trail near you!

Bike Map Request Map Wayfinding Guide

Crossway Trails Condition Report 

MACOG is applying a roadway-style asset management approach to trails and pathways, recognizing their importance as regional assets. MACOG developed a "Data Bike" system using a smartphone and cameras to collect data on trail surface roughness and condition. This data, presented as a "good-average-poor" visualization along with geolocated photos, helps:

  • Systematically evaluate and inventory trail conditions.
  • Identify areas needing maintenance.
  • Analyze the Causes of deterioration.
  • Estimate the costs for repairs.
2024 Conditions Report Data Bike Story Map


Safe Routes to School is a national initiative aimed at encouraging more kids to walk and bike to school by making it safe, convenient, and fun. MACOG has been working towards this through advocating for more active transportation infrastructure and encouraging walking and biking by creating fun Safe Routes to School flyers and activity calendars to be distributed to schools.

SRTS Marketing Materials


It’s on all of us to keep other walkers, bikers, and drivers safe while on the roads. This means keeping your eyes on the road, staying visible, and watching out for other users. Check out the Walk and Ride Safety Guide for more ways to keep yourself and others safe.

View Guide


As our transportation system evolves, new innovations in road safety will be installed. Drive Safe Michiana is dedicated to providing tips and informative videos and graphics on navigating these new systems, such as HAWK Signals and Roundabouts.

Learn More


Accessibility is the ability for people of all ages and abilities to be able to move around equitably. One way that local governments can ensure that they are improving accessibility is by developing and updating transition plans to address physical barriers in the public right-of-way that may prevent people from being about to access services.

ADA Transition Plans

Active Transportation Plan

MACOG completed the Active Transportation Plan in 2016 to identify needs, resources, and strategies to improve and increase walking and bicycling in the region. As a result, the Active Transportation Plan includes a list of proposed projects, a proposed project map, and several steps to take towards improvement.

View Plan View Project Map

Complete Streets Policy

MACOG recognizes the importance of increasing accessibility, safety, and equity for all users through multimodal streets. In 2019, MACOG adopted a Regional Complete Streets Policy to guide projects receiving funds allocated for transportation projects in the South Bend and Elkhart-Goshen Urbanized Area.

Complete Streets benefit residents, business owners, developers, and communities as a whole by creating a walkable environment that’s attractive and comfortable for all users. Walkable environments improve both the quality of life and public health of a community by encouraging and enabling a healthy lifestyle and reduced emissions by offering active and sustainable transportation options.

View Policy