Elkhart, Kosciusko, Marshall, St. Joseph Counties


The Michiana Area Council of Governments contributes to the advancement of the Region’s economic vitality, enhanced quality of life, strong sense of place, and expanded opportunities that attract and retain talented individuals and organizations to the Michiana Region.

Regional Profile


The Michiana Area Council of Governments is a voluntary organization of local governments that studies and attempts to resolve, for the benefit of each member and the region, areas of interlocal issues, which includes but is not limited to transportation, transit, economic development, environment, and other issues that impact the region.


Schedule Agendas Members

Steering the activities of the Michiana Area Council of Governments is its Policy Board. The Policy Board is comprised of the highest elected officials, representing the communities in Elkhart, Kosciusko, Marshall, and St. Joseph Counties, and two Deputy District Commissioners from the Indiana Department of Transportation. Each month, the Policy Board meetings provides a forum for local elected officials the opportunity discuss regional issues.

Policy Board meetings are held at 10:00 am the second Wednesday of each month at the Mishawaka City Hall. All meetings are open to the public.

David Wood
Phil Jenkins
Rod Roberson
Kathy Groninger
Jesse Bohannon

Mayor, City of Mishawaka - Chair
Mayor, City of Nappanee - 1st Vice-Chair
Mayor, City of Elkhart - 2nd Vice-Chair
Council Person, Kosciusko County - Secretary
Commissioner, Marshall County - Treasurer

Carl Baxmeyer
Matt Deitchley
Dwight Fish
Douglas Graham
Cary Groninger
Jeff Grose
Tim Harman
Jason Kaiser
Canneth Lee
Gina Leichty
Robert Listenberger
James Mueller
Bryan Tanner
Anthony Violi
Suzanne Weirick

Commissioner, St. Joseph County
Deputy District Commissioner, INDOT LaPorte
Council Person, City of Elkhart
Council Person, Elkhart County
Commissioner, Kosciusko County
Mayor, City of Warsaw
Council Person, Marshall County
(Interim) Deputy District Commissioner, INDOT Ft. Wayne
Council Person, City of South Bend
Mayor, City of Goshen
Mayor, City of Plymouth
Mayor, City of South Bend
Council Person, St. Joseph County
Council Person, City of Mishawaka
Commissioner, Elkhart County

Transportation Technical Advisory Committee

The Transportation Technical Advisory Committee (TTAC) includes the technical staff of the Policy Board members such as engineers, planners, airport directors, and transit operators. The basic responsibilities of the TTAC include collaborating with staff to provide recommendations to the Policy Board in the development of the Transportation Improvement Program and other transportation plans.

TTAC meetings are held at 9:00 am the first Wednesday of each month. All meetings are open to the public, see agenda for the meeting location.

Schedule Agendas Members


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James Turnwald
Executive Director
Zach Dripps
Director of Operations & Community Development
Carla Herwarth
Office & Procurement Manager
Ashley Matthews
Administrative Assistant
Russ Ragimbekov
Information Technology Manager
Katie Dominguez
Graphic Design & Communications Manager
Debbie Gardner
Fiscal Accounting Manager
Molly Chenoweth
Fiscal & Administrative Coordinator
Caitlin Stevens
Director of Transportation
Dustin New
Active Transportation Planner
Raj Parikh
Transportation Analyst
Greg Slater
Senior Traffic Data Planner
David Harker
Traffic Data Planner
Kelsey Triebold
Transportation Planner / AmeriCorps Member
Anton Getz
Active Transportation / AmeriCorps Member
Leah Thill
Director of Sustainability
Amber Werner
AmeriCorps Program Director
Matt Meersman
River Basin Program Director
Donny Ritsema
Senior Community Development Planner
Olivia Nix
Community Development Planner
Jeremiah Cox
Senior Transit Planner
Gauri Mhatre
Transit Planner
Aidan McHugh
Transit Planner

For More Information

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Procurement Opportunities

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Learn more in the

Annual Review

Each year, the Annual Review reflects on the activities that occurred throughout the preceding year and informs the Policy Board, community partners, and other stakeholders about our work and accomplishments.

2024 Annual Review 2023 Annual Review 2022 Annual Review 2021 Annual Review 2020 Annual Review 2019 Annual Review 2018 Annual Review 2017 Annual Review